This project was created using the OpenMaya Python API as well
as the Maya cmds library. The program includes a user interface
developed using Pyside2. The plugin includes 3 Python files. is a plugin file that defines the custom Maya
node that allows the program to operate. This must be loaded in
to Maya using the plugin manager. To activate the UI, run
using the script editor. Download the files here.
The user interface has several options. First, you must select a
locator object to use as a proximity measure for your magic floor
effect. The top menu lets you do this, and lets you create one as
well. The bottom section allows you to create a square tile pattern.
The tiles will be placed exactly one unit apart from each other. If
you want to use a custom tile arrangement, just ensure that all
tiles are seperate objects. Tile proxmimity is measured from
the locator position to the position of the objects pivot.
Finally, the middle menu allows you to apply the magic floor effect
to any selected tiles and the locator defined in the first menu.
The magic floor effect can be selected to lift the tiles in Y when
they are far away, or not to.